JamaliahYusofYacob - 13 orang terbunuh dan 35 cedera selepas 2 letupan menggegarkan Brussels Airport Zaventem.
Pautan pengganas telah disahkan oleh pendakwa diraja Belgium. Beliau telah mengumumkan bahawa letupan lapangan terbang adalah serangan berani mati, mengesahkan jumlah kematian awal 13, serta 35 cedera.
BACA lagi: Ketakutan pengunjung lapangan terbang Brussels melarikan diri bangunan terminal selepas letupan berkembar (VIDEO) READ MORE: Terrified Brussels airport visitors flee terminal building after twin blasts (VIDEO)
Polis Brussels telah memberitahu Sputnik yang dewan besar Zaventem telah disasarkan dalam letupan itu, tetapi mereka tidak dapat mengesahkan bilangan mangsa dalam serangan itu.
"Ada letupan, tetapi kita tidak boleh menyatakannya lagi," kata seorang jurucakap polis.
Seorang pengebom berani mati bertanggungjawab untuk salah satu daripada letupan, kata penyiar Belgium VRT. 3 tali pinggang diri penuh dengan bahan letupan telah ditemui di lapangan terbang Brussels oleh polis, TV tempatan melaporkan.
TERKINI LIVE: Pengeboman lapangan terbang Brussels LIVE UPDATES: Brussels airport bombing
Laporan juga menunjukkan bahawa pertama terdapat satu pukulan dilepaskan dalam balai berlepas, maka ada sesuatu yang dipanggil di dalam bahasa Arab, dan hanya selepas itu, 2 letupan menggegarkan kemudahan itu.
Laporan mencadangkan bahawa salah satu letupan berlaku berhampiran meja masuk American Airlines. Satu sumber kerajaan disahkan VRT penyiar bahawa ia adalah serangan, manakala Anke Fransen, jurucakap Lapangan Terbang Brussels, berkata terdapat pelbagai kecederaan. "Kami boleh mengesahkan bahawa terdapat 2 letupan di balai berlepas Kami memanggil perkhidmatan kecemasan di atas tanah - Mereka [sedang] kini provid [ing] pertolongan cemas kepada mangsa yang cedera."
Niels Caignau, turut menunggu penerbangan di Swissport, memberitahu Radio 1 bahawa dia mendengar letupan di masa sekitar 08:00 tempatan.
"Tingkap di luar balai berlepas itu habis berkecai. Ramai orang telah diakhiri dengan air mata di mata [mereka]. Kami telah dinasihatkan untuk tinggal di dalam rumah."
Bahan letupan lain telah ditemui di lapangan terbang, RTBF wartawan Laurent Henrard dinamakan anggota bomba sebagai berkata.
Rail trafik ke lapangan terbang itu telah digantung, laporan Reuters.
Tiada pesawat yang mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Brussels yang dalam kuncian, dan pesawat itu disalurkan terus ke Antwerp. Kapal terbang berputar-putar di atas bandar Liege.
Wartawan Sky News Timur Tengah Alex Rossi, yang berada di lapangan terbang dalam perjalanan ke Tel Aviv, telah menulis sebarang tweet bahawa dia boleh "rasa bangunan bergerak."
13 dead, 35 injured in suicide attack at Brussels airport
Thirteen people have been killed and 35 injured after two blasts rocked Brussels’ Zaventem Airport.
The terrorist link has been confirmed by the Belgian royal prosecutor. He has announced that the airport blast was a suicide attack, confirming the preliminary death toll of 13, as well as 35 injured.
Brussels police have told Sputnik that Zaventem’s great hall was targeted in the blast, but they couldn’t confirm the number of the victims in the attack.
“There was an explosion, but we cannot say more," a police spokesperson said.
A suicide bomber was responsible for one of the blasts, Belgian broadcaster VRT said. Three suicide belts packed with explosives have been found at the Brussels airport by police, local TV reported.
Reports also suggest that first there was a shot fired in the departure hall, then something was called out in Arabic, and only afterward, two explosions rocked the facility.
Reports suggest that one of the explosions took place near the American Airlines check-in desk. A government source confirmed to VRT broadcaster that it was an attack, while Anke Fransen, spokeswoman for Brussels Airport, said there were multiple injuries. "We can confirm that there have been two explosions in the departure hall. We called the emergency services on the ground – they [are] now provid[ing] first aid to the injured."
Niels Caignau, flight watcher at Swissport, told Radio 1 that he heard an explosion at around 8:00 a.m. local time.
"The windows outside the departure hall are completely shattered. Many people have run out with tears in [their] eyes. We were advised to stay indoors."
Other explosive devices have been discovered at the airport, RTBF correspondent Laurent Henrard cited firefighters as saying.
Rail traffic to the airport has been suspended, Reuters reports.
No planes are landing at Brussels Airport which is in lockdown, and planes are being diverted to Antwerp. Planes are circling over the city of Liege.
Sky News Middle East correspondent Alex Rossi, who was at the airport en route to Tel Aviv, has tweeted that he could "feel the buildings move."