© Lisi Niesner/Reuters
JamaliahYusofYacob - Bundesbank telah mengumumkan rancangan untuk menghantar pulang sebahagian daripada rizab emas di Jerman dari luar negara. Sekurang-kurangnya separuh daripada emas negara akan dipindahkan ke Frankfurt pada tahun 2020, menurut Bundesbank Presiden Jens Weidmann.
Weidmann berkata 366 tan emas bernilai € 11.5 bilion telah dihantar ke Frankfurt setakat ini. "Kini terdapat kira-kira 1,400 tan atau 41.5 % peratus daripada rizab emas di sini," kata bank itu.
Baca lebih lanjut: kali gagal Jerman untuk mendapatkan emas pulang dari Amerika Syarikat membuka persoalan kedaulatan 'http://on.rt.com/eyb4ae
Pada bulan Oktober tahun lepas rizab emas Jerman berjumlah sekitar 3,384 tan metrik, bernilai kira-kira € 120 bilion, yang merupakan kedua terbesar di dUNIA selepas Amerika Syarikat.
Weidmann berkata seluruh emas akan kekal di New York dan London, yang katanya adalah selamat seperti Jerman. Dalam kes kecemasan, rizab ini akan cepat hendak ditukar di pasaran di bandar-bandar ini, kata bank itu.
Bundesbank telah dikritik di dewan untuk menjaga sebahagian besar daripada rizab emas Jerman di luar negara. Pengkritik menuntut pulangan lengkap emas kepada negara. Mereka menganggap emas sebagai insurans jika krisis datang, dan ketersediaan fizikal serta-merta akan menjadi kriteria penentu.
Apabila cuba untuk bergerak emas dari New York pada tahun 2014, Bundesbank bertemu halangan daripada pihak berkuasa Amerika Syarikat apabila pegawai-pegawai cuba untuk memeriksa emas Jerman disimpan dalam bilik kebal Amerika Syarikat.
"Saya bukan ahli teori konspirasi, tetapi Bundesbank akan dapat untuk mengaudit emas sekali setahun seperti yang dilakukannya terhadap rizab dalam Frankfurt," Hans Olaf Henkel, ahli Jerman Parlimen Eropah, memberitahu RT.
Ada juga yang meragui emas Jerman adalah masih hidup secara fizikal di sana.
"Kami masih hilang . . .. diterbitkan senarai nombor bar emas, walaupun rizab Persekutuan Amerika Syarikat menerbitkan senarai ini untuk emas mereka sendiri," kata Peter Boehringer, pengasas menghantar balik Kempen emas kami.
Germany wants its gold back
The Bundesbank has announced plans to repatriate some of Germany’s gold reserves from abroad. At least half of the country’s gold would be transferred to Frankfurt by 2020, according to Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann.
Weidmann says 366 tons of gold worth €11.5 billion have been delivered to Frankfurt so far. "There are now about 1,400 tons or 41.5 percent of our gold reserves here," the banker said.
Read more: Germany's failed attempts to get its gold back from the US 'opens question of its sovereignty' http://on.rt.com/eyb4ae
In October last year Germany’s gold reserves stood to around 3,384 tonnes, worth about €120 billion, which is the second largest in the world after the US.
Weidmann added the rest of the gold will remain in New York and London, which he says are as safe as Germany. In case of emergency, these reserves would quickly be converted on the markets in these cities, the banker said.
The Bundesbank has been criticized at home for keeping a major part of Germany’s gold reserves abroad. Critics are demanding the complete return of the gold to the country. They regard the gold as insurance if a crisis comes, and the immediate physical availability would be the decisive criterion.
When trying to move gold from New York in 2014, the Bundesbank met obstacles from US authorities when officials tried to inspect the German gold kept in US vaults.
“I’m no conspiracy theorist, but the Bundesbank should be able to audit the gold once a year like it does with reserves in Frankfurt,” Hans Olaf Henkel, a German member of the European Parliament, told RT.
Some even doubted the German gold is still physically there.
“We are still missing … published lists of gold bar number, even though the US Federal reserve publishes this list for their own gold,” said Peter Boehringer, founder of the Repatriate our Gold Campaign.