Saturday, April 16, 2016

29 killed, 70,000 evacuated in Japan hit by 2 powerful quakes & devastating landslides (PHOTOS)

Tapak tanah runtuh yang disebabkan oleh gempa bumi yang dilihat di bandar Minamiaso, wilayah Kumamoto, selatan Jepun, dalam foto ini diambil oleh Kyodo April 16, 2016 (Landslide site caused by an earthquake is seen in Minamiaso town, Kumamoto prefecture, southern Japan, in this photo taken by Kyodo April 16, 2016) © Reuters

JamaliahYusofYacob 29 terbunuh, 70,000 dipindahkan di Jepun dilanda 2 gempa kuat & runtuhan tanah yg dahsyat. Berpuluh-puluh Jepun dikhuatiri terperangkap di bawah runtuhan, kerana angka kematian akibat 2 gempa bumi telah meningkat kepada 29. Usaha untuk mencari mangsa yang terselamat adalah dalam buaian penuh manakala 70,000 orang telah dipindahkan dari rumah mereka ke lokasi yg lebih selamat.

Lebih 200 gegaran susulan telah melanda Jepun selepas Khamis gegaran awal 6.5 pada skala Richter yang melanda bandar Kumamoto di pulau Kyushu. Pegawai telah memberi amaran bahawa risiko gempa susulan yang kuat akan terus berlegar selama kira-kira seminggu.

Hanya 24 jam kemudian kawasan yang sama telah dilanda gempa bumi 7.1 magnitud ganas. Agensi Meteorologi Jepun secara ringkas mengeluarkan amaran tsunami untuk kawasan-kawasan yang masih belum pulih daripada gegaran dahsyat pada Khamis.

29 killed, 70,000 evacuated in Japan hit by 2 powerful quakes & devastating landslides (PHOTOS)

Dozens of Japanese are feared trapped under the rubble, as the death toll from two earthquakes has climbed to 29. The search for survivors is in full swing while 70,000 people have been moved from their homes to safer locations.

Over 200 aftershocks have hit Japan following the initial Thursday tremor of 6.5-magnitude, which hit the city of Kumamoto on the island of Kyushu. Officials have warned that the risk of further strong aftershocks will linger for about a week.

Only 24 hours later the same areas was struck by a violent 7.1-magnitude earthquake. The Japan Meteorological Agency briefly issued tsunami warnings for the areas that were still recovering from Thursday’s devastating tremors.

At least nine people were killed and more than 850 injured in the first quake. The death toll in the second has risen to 29. All in all, 1,500 people have been injured in the quakes, 80 of them seriously, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said. He added that about 70,000 have left their homes.

“We are aware of multiple locations where people have been buried alive,” Suga said. “Police, firefighters and Self Defense Force personnel are doing all they can to rescue them.”

Penduduk tempatan melihat keretakkan disebabkan oleh gempa bumi di jalan raya di bandar Mashiki, wilayah Kumamoto, selatan Jepun, dalam foto ini diambil oleh Kyodo April 16, 2016 (Local residents look at cracks caused by an earthquake on a road in Mashiki town, Kumamoto prefecture, southern Japan, in this photo taken by Kyodo April 16, 2016) © Reuters

Angka kematian dalam gempa bumi boleh mendaki mengikut jam, kata pegawai Kumamoto Prefectural Tomoyuki Tanaka.

Kira-kira 170,000 isi rumah terputus bekalan elektrik dan 385,000 tanpa air berikutan gempa kuat.

Yuichiro Yoshikado menyifatkan pengalamannya semasa gempa bumi Khamis untuk AP. Beliau berada di bilik air pada masa itu.

The death toll in the earthquakes may be climbing by the hour, Kumamoto Prefectural official Tomoyuki Tanaka said.

About 170,000 households were without electricity and 385,000 without water following the powerful quakes.

Yuichiro Yoshikado described his experience during Thursday’s earthquake to AP. He was in the bathroom at the time.

Pagar Romon (bawah Kanan), ditetapkan sebagai warisan kebudayaan nasional yang penting, dan lain-lain bangunan yang rosak akibat gempa bumi yang dilihat di Aso Shrine di Aso, wilayah Kumamoto, selatan Jepun, dalam foto ini diambil oleh Kyodo April 16, 2016 (Romon gate (bottom R), designated as a nationally important cultural property, and other buildings damaged by an earthquake are seen at Aso Shrine in Aso, Kumamoto prefecture, southern Japan, in this photo taken by Kyodo April 16, 2016) © Reuters

"Saya meraih ke sisi tab mandi, tetapi air di dalam tab mandi, ia adalah kira-kira 70 peratus dipenuhi dengan air, akan seperti ini," katanya sambil melambai tangannya, "dan semua air terpercik keluar."

"Saya fikir saya akan mati dan saya tidak dapat menanggung apa-apa lagi," katanya.

"I grabbed onto the sides of the bathtub, but the water in the tub, it was about 70 percent filled with water, was going like this," he said, waving his arms, "and all the water splashed out."

"I thought I was going to die and I couldn't bear it any longer," he added.

Sebuah bangunan yang rosak disebabkan oleh gempa bumi dilihat dalam Kumamoto, selatan Jepun, dalam foto ini diambil oleh Kyodo April 16, 2016  (A damaged building caused by an earthquake is seen in Kumamoto, southern Japan, in this photo taken by Kyodo April 16, 2016) © Reuters

Antara 29 mangsa dua pelajar dari Universiti Tokai.

"Kami menawarkan solat yang ikhlas yang untuk kedua-dua," kata satu kenyataan University. "Kami cuba untuk mengesahkan keselamatan pelajar lain."

Among 29 casualties are two students from Tokai University.

“We offer our sincerest prayers for the two,” said a University statement. “We're trying to confirm the safety of other students.”

Tanah runtuh yang memusnahkan jambatan selepas gempa bumi Kumamoto (Landslide that destroyed bridge after Kumamoto earthquake)

Gempa mencetuskan tanah runtuh besar-besaran, yang memutus jalan raya dan memusnahkan jambatan, media tempatan melaporkan, sambil menambah bahawa mereka terancam usaha menyelamat dan bantuan.

230 gempa susulan melanda Jepun pada 48 jam

Gempa susulan besar terkini dibuat beberapa jam selepas gempa bumi maut kedua dan diukur magnitud 5.3.

The quakes triggered massive landslides, which cut off roads and destroyed bridges, local media reported, adding that they imperiled rescue and relief efforts.

230 aftershocks hit Japan in 48hrs

The latest big aftershock came hours after the second deadly earthquake and measured magnitude 5.3.

Berkumpul di lobi Hotel tetamu selepas gempa bumi yang lain melanda kawasan itu di Kumamoto, selatan Jepun, dalam foto ini diambil oleh Kyodo April 16, 2016 (Hotel guests gather at the lobby after another earthquake hit the area in Kumamoto, southern Japan, in this photo taken by Kyodo April 16, 2016) © Reuters

Jepun telah mengalami lebih daripada 230 gegaran susulan sekurang-kurangnya tahap 1 pada skala di Jepun sejak gempa bumi kelmarin, kata agensi meteorologi Jepun.

Japan has suffered more than 230 aftershocks of at least level 1 on the Japanese scale since Thursday's earthquake, Japan's meteorological agency said.

"We have already seen several in the mid to upper 5 plus magnitude range, and over the next several days and weeks, we would not be surprised to see more earthquakes of this size," said John Bellini, a geophysicist with the USGS, as cited by Reuters.

Local residents are still in shock over the earthquakes and the following tremors.

"We have already seen several in the mid to upper 5 plus magnitude range, and over the next several days and weeks, we would not be surprised to see more earthquakes of this size," said John Bellini, a geophysicist with the USGS, as cited by Reuters.

Local residents are still in shock over the earthquakes and the following tremors.

Pegawai polis memeriksa sebuah rumah yang runtuh selepas gempa bumi di bandar Mashiki, wilayah Kumamoto, selatan Jepun, dalam foto ini diambil oleh Kyodo April 16, 2016 (Police officers check a collapsed house after an earthquake in Mashiki town, Kumamoto prefecture, southern Japan, in this photo taken by Kyodo April 16, 2016) © Reuters

"Kami meninggalkan rumah saya kerana kami tidak boleh tinggal kerana jolts berterusan," penduduk tempatan Hisako Ogita, 61, kepada AFP, "Ia begitu menakutkan," katanya. "Alhamdulillah kita masih hidup."

Gunung Aso gunung berapi meletus selepas 2 gempa

Beberapa jam selepas gempa bumi maut yang kedua, Agensi Meteorologi Jepun mencatatkan letusan di Gunung Aso, gunung berapi aktif yang terbesar di Jepun.

“We left my house as we could not stay due to continuous jolts,” local resident Hisako Ogata, 61, told AFP, “It was so scary," she added. "Thank God we are still alive.”

Mount Aso volcano erupts after 2 quakes

Hours after the second deadly earthquake, the Japan Meteorological Agency recorded an eruption at Mount Aso, the largest active volcano in Japan.

1592 meter gunung berapi hampir 30 minit memandu dari pusat gempa bumi itu. Ia masih belum jelas sama ada aktiviti seismik gunung berapi adalah dihubungkan dengan gempa.

Banyak gambar dan video di media sosial menunjukkan kepulan asap naik kira-kira 100 meter ke langit.

monumen bersejarah rosak dalam gempa

Beberapa monumen bersejarah di Kumamoto Prefecture telah rosak teruk dalam gempa.

The 1,592-meter volcano is nearly 30 minutes’ drive from the earthquakes epicenter. It is not yet clear if the volcano’s seismic activity is connected to the quakes.

Numerous photos and videos on social media showed plumes of smoke rising some 100 meters into the sky.

Historic monuments damaged in the quakes

Several historic monuments in Kumamoto Prefecture have been badly damaged in the quakes.

Kuil Aso sebelum dan selepas  (Aso shrine before and after) . . 

Kuil Aso runtuh selepas gempa bumi di Kumamoto, Jepun (Aso Shrine collapsed after the earthquake in Kumamoto, Japan) #ImportantCulturalProperties #AsoShrine

Makam Aso berusia 1,700 tahun di bandar Aso, salah satu daripada tempat-tempat suci yang tertua dan yang paling menonjol di Jepun, telah rosak teruk. Sebahagian daripada bumbung berjubin melengkung telah diratakan di atas tanah.

pintu yang menjulang tinggi makam, yang dikenali sebagai "Romon" atau "Cherry Blossom Gate" runtuh dan musnah. Dewan Haiden atau menyembah turut dimusnahkan.

Makam Aso telah diiktiraf secara rasmi sebagai salah satu Kanpei-taisha - ia berdiri pangkat pertama tempat-tempat suci disokong kerajaan.

Gempa bumi itu juga telah memusnahkan satu lagi ikon Jepun bersejarah - Kumamoto Castle yang berusia 400 tahun, yang dianggap sebagai salah satu daripada tiga istana utama di Jepun. Dindingnya telah dilanggar teruk, rakaman televisyen menunjukkan.

The 1,700-year-old Aso Shrine in the town of Aso, one of the oldest and most prominent shrines in Japan, has been severely damaged. Some of its curved tiled roofs were flattened on the ground.

The shrine’s towering gate, known as the “Rōmon” or “Cherry Blossom Gate” collapsed and is in ruins. The haiden or worshiping hall was also destroyed.

The Aso Shrine was officially recognized as one of the Kanpei-taisha - it stood in the first rank of government-supported shrines.

The quake has also destroyed another historic Japanese icon – the 400-year-old Kumamoto Castle, which is considered one of the three main castles in Japan. Its walls were severely breached, TV footage showed.

#GempaJepun Melanggar dinding Kumamoto Kastil berusia 400 tahun (#Japanquake breaches walls of 400-year old Kumamoto Castle)
> > 

Gempa bumi di Kyushu petang semalam adalah amat dahsyat. Antara kesedihan lain, banyak kerosakan dengan Istana Kumamoto (The earthquake in Kyushu yesterday evening was terrible. Among other sadness, lots of damage to Kumamoto Castle). 9:16 PM - 14 Apr 2016 


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