Monday, April 11, 2016

RUSIA terus membersihkan periuk api ISIS di Palmyra, sebagai penduduk tempatan kembali (GAMBAR) . . .

© Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Kementerian Pertahanan Persekutuan Rusia)

JamaliahYusofYacob Sebagai sappers Federation terus untuk de-mine bandar bersejarah Palmyra, beratus-ratus telah kembali ke bandar moden berdekatan, dengan kerajaan menganjurkan bas untuk beribu-ribu lagi.

Russians continue to clear ISIS mines in Palmyra, 
as locals return (PHOTOS) . . .

As Russian sappers continue to de-mine the historic city of Palmyra, hundreds have returned to the modern city nearby, with the government organizing buses for thousands more.

READ MORE: US reporters ignore first journalist tour of liberated Palmyra organized by Russian military – MoD (BACA lebih lanjut: pemberita US mengabaikan tour Wartawan pertama Palmyra bebas dianjurkan oleh tentera Rusia - MoD)

© Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Kementerian Pertahanan Persekutuan Rusia)

"Perkara pertama yang saya diperiksa dalam rumah itu bumbung," Khodor Hammoud, seorang penjawat awam bersara berusia 68 tahun itu, memberitahu AFP kerana dia yang meninjau kerosakan struktur ke rumahnya.

"Dinding, tingkap, dan pintu juga masih ada, dan itu sudah cukup bagi saya untuk mendapatkan keluarga saya bersedia untuk kembali ke Palmyra."

“The first thing I checked in the house was the roof,” Khudr Hammoud, a 68-year-old retired civil servant, told AFP as he surveyed the structural damage to his house.

“The walls, the windows, and the door are also still there, and that’s enough for me to get my family ready to return to Palmyra.”

Residents carry belongings they collected from their damaged homes as they walk during a return visit to the city of Palmyra, Syria April 9, 2016 (Penduduk membawa mengumpul barang-barang mereka dari rumah mereka rosak mereka berjalan semasa lawatan balas ke bandar Palmyra, Syria April 9, 2016) © Omar Sanadiki/Reuters

Hammoud adalah dalam kumpulan yang ke-2 penduduk untuk kembali sejak Khamis, dengan pihak berkuasa di Homs berkata mereka akan menyediakan 48 buah bas untuk mengangkut 2,000 lagi penduduk kembali ke Palmyra dan berdekatan penempatan Kristian Al-Qaryatayn, yang telah diambil semula bulan ini.

Hammoud was in the second group of residents to come back since Thursday, with the authorities in Homs saying they will provide 48 buses to transport 2,000 more residents back to Palmyra and the nearby Christian settlement of Al-Qaryatayn, which were taken back this month.

Women carry bags of belongings they collected from their damaged homes during their visit to the city of Palmyra, Syria April 9, 2016 (Wanita membawa mengumpul beg barang-barang mereka dari rumah mereka yang rosak semasa lawatan mereka ke bandar Palmyra, Syria April 9, 2016) © Omar Sanadiki/Reuters

Bandar ini adalah rumah kepada kira-kira 70,000 orang sebelum ditawan oleh Negara Islam (IS, yang sebelum ini ISIS/ISIL) pada bulan Mei tahun lalu. Ia diambil semula oleh tentera Syria dua minggu lalu dengan bantuan pesawat Rusia dan komando, serta tentera elit Iran.

The city was home to about 70,000 people prior to its capture by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in May of last year. It was retaken by the Syrian army two weeks ago with the help of Russian planes and commandos, as well as elite Iranian troops.

© Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Kementerian Pertahanan Persekutuan Rusia)

Pulang tidak digalakkan semula mendiami-rumah mereka kerana kekurangan bekalan elektrik dan air, serta medan periuk api yang banyak diletakkan oleh IS sebelum pengunduran mereka

Returnees are discouraged from re-inhabiting their homes due to a lack of electricity and water, as well as extensive minefields laid by IS before their retreat.

© Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Kementerian Pertahanan Persekutuan Rusia)

"Tidak ada bakalan air atau elektrik, dan kami terus bekerja pada penjelasan periuk api persekitaran bandar," kata satu sumber rasmi kepada AFP. "Kami memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 3 minggu untuk memulihkan infrastruktur di bandar ini ke tahap di mana penduduk akan dapat bermalam di rumah mereka."

“There is no water or electricity, and we are continuing to work on demining the surroundings of the city,” an official source told AFP. “We will need at least three weeks to rehabilitate the city’s infrastructure to the extent that residents will be able to spend the night in their homes.”

© Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Kementerian Pertahanan Persekutuan Rusia)

Jurutera Rusia dan kenderaan meneruskan untuk membersihkan periuk api, terutamanya di tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO iaitu Kota Lama, yang mengandungi bangunan Roman-era. Lebih 1,500 telah dimatikan sebelum bermulanya hujung minggu, dengan pakar mengambil syif untuk mengimbas melalui kawasan tersebut.

Russian engineers and vehicles are continuing to clear mines, particularly at the UNESCO World Heritage site that is the Old City, which contains Roman-era buildings. Over 1,500 had been defused before the start of the weekend, with specialists taking shifts to scan through the area.

© Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Kementerian Pertahanan Persekutuan Rusia)

READ MORE: Russian experts & robots defuse over 1,500 mines in liberated Palmyra (VIDEO) (BACA lebih lanjut: Pakar Rusia & robot meredakan lebih 1,500 peruk api dalam yang dibebaskan Palmyra (VIDEO)

© Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Kementerian Pertahanan Persekutuan Rusia)


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